Anti-anagram, my submission for the GoedWare Game Jam, is a bit of everything smushed together.  It's text-based but not entirely.  It has weird art and soothing music that your grandma can enjoy, but it also has a touch of Southern Rock.

Essentially, it's about opposites.  It expands on the Light/Dark theme by including unusual antonyms like blessing/curse or attic/cellar, but of course neither of those are in the game because that would be very spoiler-ish.

It's a simple concept that goes from super-easy to fiendishly hard over 10 sweet levels of gameplay.  

Feel free to make comments or ask for hints!

NOTE #1:  you will need to press the escape key at certain points in the game.  If you are playing in full-screen mode, ESC will exit that mode instead of doing what the game indicates.  Once you are out of full-screen mode, you can press ESC for its intended purpose.

NOTE #2:  be sure to have CAPS LOCK turned off.


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If anyone has any difficult viewing the game on my page, it can also be played from my website at the following URL: